Garden Susie Wrap Garden Susie Wrap

The Garden Luncheon Fabric Boxx

When searching for the perfect gift for a creative soul, look no further than this exquisite creation. The Fabric Bundle Boxx is a tribute to those who cherish gardens and savor moments of tranquility among nature, friends, and warm hospitality. Crafted by a team of more than 10 skilled artisans, this Boxx encompasses the essence of beauty, serenity, and joyful gatherings. At The Gift Wrap Place, we take pride in curating gifts that resonate with the heart and spirit of every recipient.

The Garden Luncheon Boxx

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Wedding Susie Wrap Wedding Susie Wrap

The Wedding Shower Fabric Boxx

A Fabric Bundle Boxx created for Wedding Shower guests

The Gift Wrap Place is dedicated to meticulously crafting the ultimate Boxx experience. Within the realm of the Fabric Boxx is a thrilling journey waiting to unfold. This particular creation has the remarkable ability to transcend the ordinary, injecting vitality into otherwise mundane occasions, all while staying true to its essence with unwavering authenticity. Our aim is not to churn out generic, mass-produced items tailored for the masses, but rather to curate unique pieces that resonate with the distinct individuals the Fabric Boxx Bundle aims to honor.

With this particular build, the couple fully embraces the tranquil essence of lakeside living, infusing every detail with a harmonious "Tying The Knot" motif. Carefully curated from local artisans, the Fabric Boxx Bundle exudes a personalized touch, inviting guests to delve into the couple's unique journey and connect with the vibrant community that will grow from their union.

The Wedding Shower Themed Fabric Boxx

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Industry, Innovation, Solution, Garden Susie Wrap Industry, Innovation, Solution, Garden Susie Wrap

The Fabric Boxx Invention

What does the Fabric Boxx invention solve?

Why it solves many issues

I had been diligently working on a client request to package products that did not quite fit in traditional containers like bags, storage boxes, tins, or baskets. After days of brainstorming how to assemble 40 gift sets for an organization, I had a breakthrough - only a Kleenex Box would do the trick. I swiftly purchased 40 Kleenex Boxes for a mere 99 cents each. Enlisting the help of friends, we emptied out each box and embarked on painting them. However, the painted boxes didn't quite achieve the desired look; they merely concealed the original graphics.

Time was ticking, prompting me to consider using fabric instead. The challenge lay in wrapping the Kleenex Boxes with fabric without sewing, as using glue and pins seemed impractical due to time constraints. Through a series of unconventional methods, we managed to attach the fabric to the boxes using a combination of glue and pins for the initial batch.

As we moved forward, a stroke of genius led us to create fabric sleeves. Realizing the limitations of using Kleenex Boxes, we began the arduous task of finding a suitable manufacturer. After numerous setbacks where 7 to 8 doors closed, a fortuitous networking event paved the way for us to connect with a manufacturing company. The moment the prototype was completed, it felt like a monumental achievement, akin to landing on the moon for the very first time. That pivotal moment of innovation sparked excitement akin to the bright light bulb of invention - a fraction of a second where it felt like we were making a difference in the world. While it may seem trivial - just a box wrapped in fabric, nothing groundbreaking - the concept was refreshing and undeniably fascinating.

Why does this matter? It is important to consider that for individuals with limited time, arthritis, or other physical challenges, the act of building and wrapping a gift can be extremely difficult or even impossible. This obstacle takes away precious opportunities for them to experience the joy of giving, which is equally rewarding as receiving. By recognizing this, we can ensure that thoughtful gift-giving remains accessible to everyone, not solely limited to those who can easily engage in traditional buying and wrapping techniques.

The Fabric Boxx provides a creative outlet for individuals facing limitations in traditional art forms like painting, sculpting, sewing, knitting, and crochet. It serves as a valuable resource for seniors and those with physical challenges, bringing the joy of art to those who may not have easy access to traditional artistic tools and mediums. This includes students in classrooms where scissors, tape, glue, pins are not available.

The Fabric Boxx Kits revolutionize the realm of presentation creation for various products by effortlessly slipping a fabric cover onto a box. This process includes wrapping the fabric box with delicate organza and elegantly finishing it with a charming bow, adding a touch of sophistication and style to the overall look.

The Fabric Boxx is a versatile solution provider, aiming to tackle various challenges with innovation and creativity. Stay tuned for additional exciting narratives to be revealed shortly.

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Buyers Susie Wrap Buyers Susie Wrap

How To Order From The Gift Wrap Place

All the ways to get your gift jobs done

The Gift Wrap Place is a local service with global connections. If you are interested in knowing more about The Gift Wrap Place as a partnership please reach out via email at We use filters: and spam won’t get through.

If you are a business member of Jaba, BNI, Chicago Merchants Marketplace or Refreshed Furnishings Makers Market: you can reach us directly through those platforms. In addition, there are the social media links below.

If you have our text number, you can text us directly to get jobs done.

  1. Please browse the catalog to get ideas on the gifts we design and build.

  2. Once we receive details on event, theme and preferences a Boxx will be built.

  3. A link is sent to pay with many options.

  4. These options for Pickup and Dropoff are available.

    1. Monday - McHenry County: Pickup & Dropoff (10:00am - 4:00pm)

    2. Tuesday - Walworth County: Dropoff (9:30am - noon)

    3. Wednesday - Cary, Illinois: Pickup & Dropoff (noon-4pm)

    4. Thursday - McHenry County: Pickup & Dropoff (10:00am - 4:00pm)

    5. Friday - Walworth County: Dropoff (9:30 - noon)

    6. Saturday - McHenry County: Pickup & Dropoff (11:00am - 3:00pm)

  5. The concierge service shops, packages, delivers or you pick up.

******Exciting news! Starting the first week of July, our new Cary location lets you choose your items for wrapping or grab pre-themed boxed gifts. Stay tuned for updates.

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